Working with us
Why us?
SOLID is a center of excellence with more than 40 researchers that in a unique way couple materials and health science with 3D neutron and synchrotron based imaging. We work together in a dynamic, friendly team to solve questions of relevance to e.g. energy, health and climate.
The SOLID group has a work environment that it is interdisciplinary, international and inclusive. We are creative and diverse. All interested candidates are encouraged to apply to SOLID openings, regardless of their personal background.
Our vision
The vision of our center of excellence is to visualize the internal structure of such materials, their creation and change in use – in 3D and on all the relevant length and time scales. This means we can generate and apply a new generation of far more realistic multiscale material models. This would be a fundamental "game changer" in materials science, as better models are exactly the piece that is missing in order to be able to realize the dream of designing new materials using computer models.
Similarly, multiscale 3D description will be the key to improved understanding of basic issues in bone and dental biology, and thus for the development of new drugs and diagnostic methods e.g. in osteoporosis. Moreover, the new high throughput 3D imaging methods will facilitate massive digitization of fossils and as such be invaluable for progress in understanding human evolution and climate change.

Why Denmark?
Denmark offers a good work-life balance. English is spoken widely even if Danish is the main language. The working language is English. Danish universities have a quite ‘flat’ work culture where input is solicited from all employees.
Danish cities are known for having excellent infrastructure, for example through widespread bike path networks.
Denmark has a thriving food-scene, excellent museums, beautiful natural scenery, etc. All SOLID member cities are situated in lively student-rich cities with “young populations” resulting in a multitude of cultural events such as music festivals etc.
The positions
As a cross-disciplinary center we are seeking candidates with a background in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, materials science and geology; we do however expect you to be comfortable with physics, chemistry and mathematics.
For the PhD positions, no experience is required but keen interest and a drive for solving problems is necessary and documented knowledge.
Our expectations about you, as a person
You are excited about fundamental science and applying the results to solve practical problems of importance to society.
We expect that you like to be part of a team, that you have a sense of humor, you are a good problem solver, enjoy helping others and that you are also able to work effectively and independently.